Sharing my experience as a newborn photographer with international students

Many thanks to Edenz college in Auckland for an opportunity to come and share my business story with the students! It was a very interesting experience to be on the other side. Only a month ago I was a student at PopUp Business School and was listening to guest speakers talking about their business journey, and now I had the floor in front of 10 international students sharing my story. It was really cool! We were talking about my way as a family and kid photographer, how I started my newborn photography, about my web-site and other marketing tools, about inspiration and motivation, about finding the right balance between my family, my photography, and my life. I found it really inspiring to share my success as a newborn photographer with those young people. I feel myself happy talking about my own baby - newborn photography - and it was the perfect way to see the long and successful journey I had for the last year, even for myself. I'm very grateful to all my beautiful newborn models and their parents for an opportunity to be better. I highly appreciate all tutors and mentors I met during this journey. Some of them gave me their back when needed, some of them shared their experience and skills with me, some of them showed me my way of doing things, and that's was great! I still have a lot of things to learn and practice but I'm sure I'm on the right way!