Before arrival guide from a newborn photographer

I’m in love with newborn photography and I highly appreciate you chose me as the newborn photographer for your family. Being a newborn photographer and having photographed dozens of newborns and babies I’m happy to share some of my tips and tricks to make the upcoming newborn session stress-free and easy-going. The very first thing speaking about newborn photography is choosing the best time for the session. I’ve written a post in my blog about the best time to photograph a newborn, check it here and contact your newborn photographer while you are still pregnant to secure your session and book the rough date. Once the baby arrives, you might want to give a short message to the photographer and confirm the date and the time. But what to do next? Right before the session? What is the best way to get yourself and the newborn ready for that great day?

For the newborn ——————
- don’t change your newborn’s diet before the date as it can affect baby’s skin or cause colics and fussiness. - on the day try to feed the newborn 1 hour or even earlier before the session. We need him/her to be hungry when you arrive at my studio. You can feed your baby at my place right before the session starts. - after feeding be sure to burp the baby really well. - try to keep “awaken” time. We need the newborn to be tired. Try giving a bath, let baby kick with only a diaper on, tickle their toes, and let them fuss for a little bit. Your newborn will be really tired and once you arrive at my studio and your baby is fed, he/she will fell asleep and we can easily take lots of gorgeous curly sleeping pictures. - please no clothing going over the newborn’s head :) Clothes with buttons or zip that can be easily taken off would be perfect, i.e. diaper and warm onesie with covered legs, buttoned or zipped - take extra formula if you use it. Baby can get hungry during the session easily, we’ll need to feed him/her more often. A hungry and upset baby can easily ruin the session routine. - be ready for all kinds of unexpected mess during the session as newborn don’t care when and where they pee or poo :) We’ll keep the diaper on for most of the time but if we are taking naked photos things can happen. - I’ll provide wipes but be sure to have enough diapers and tissues for the baby - bring in your dummy. If you usually don’t use it or baby doesn’t take it, bring it anyway. It’s for the session only as quite often your newborn wants to be settled not fed during the session. A dummy can be really helpful. - you don’t need to bring any outfits for the baby as I provide a wide range of clothing and wraps. Feel free to take some sentimental items to incorporate them into the session if you have any - it can be a toy, a jewellery, a blanket.

For siblings/elder kids ——————— - I highly recommend to bring the siblings either in the beginning of the session or by the end. During the newborn session time it’s much easier and comfortable if there are only three of us in the studio - you, your baby, and me. 3 hours is way too long for kids to sit still. They can get hungry, tired, bored or excited in unfamiliar place so please arrange someone’s help (dad, friends, child care) to look after your elder kids during the session time. - clean and wash the kids. Cut their nails, wash their hair, clean their little noses. All these little details are important to get that perfect beautiful look - neutral clothes (beige, white, light pink for girls) are perfect. Solid colours look better than patterns and logos. - I can provide a wrap for your girl that can be used as a top - jeans and shirtless for boys work perfect. Or a solid colour neutral top - please bring some snacks and water for the kids - relax! Kids are kids and actually they don’t need all that photos :) They can be not very cooperative and happy, they can have bad days, they can be hungry or sleepy. I have lots of experience photographing babies and kids and have some tricks to take beautiful photos even in this case. But the most important thing is your attitude and staying calm and positive during the negotiations with your not-so-cooperative little one.

For Mum and Dad ————— Family photos, Mum with the baby photos, Dad with the baby photos can show the connection between you, capture the very first days of being together as a family. - natural and subtle makeup for Mum can soften your skin and accent your natural beauty. - neutral solid colour tank top and jeans are perfect for both Mum and Dad -if you are keen we can take skin-to-skin photos. I can provide a neutral wrap for Mum to make you feel more comfortable if needed. - make sure your hands are clean and nails are trimmed Feel free to message me or give me a call to discuss your upcoming newborn session, ask me a question or book your date. Check my post on color schemes and available setups if you need any inspiration ideas. Hope this guide will help you to be ready for the upcoming session and makes this wonderful journey even better and bright!